Saturday, December 31, 2011

Checkerboard Text Using Gimp

This Gimp Video Tutorial will show you how to make checkerboard text using Gimp.

What you'll need:
A basic understanding of layers
An understanding of how layer masks work
A brief explination on how Gimp's interface works.

In this tutorial, I mention subscribing to Gimped! to create an easy open line of communication between you and me. That page can be found here.


  1. Checkerboard text using gimp nice tutorial .

  2. Hello , I'm appreciate to see your Video Tutorial .

  3. Just loving your gorgeous site. Thanks for the lovely tutorial


Wacom Tablet

In my Gimp Tutorials, I frequently use Wacom Tablets. Here is an awesome wacom tablet I recommend using.
A Wacom tablet will enhance your GIMP photo editing experience by offering a pressure-sensitive touch that translates to varying transparency when making brush strokes in GIMP.

Gimp Reference Manual

I highly recommend getting this Gimp book to use as a reference manual in conjunction with my tutorials. This book will explain how the tools I use work. My tutorials will give you practical applications for the tools shown in this book.